Dear Kitty,
First of all, clearly right now school is a bitch and although you may feel you are being a bad friend, you're guilt proves to me that you are not a bad friend but rather just overwhelmed with homework and projects and shit that must take top priority right now as there are deadlines involved. There is no deadline on our friendship, it will last forever through eternity no matter what.
I do have a quick thought on balance. I lost mine just the other day. My legs went straight out from under me and I fell on my upper spine and back of the head on the ice. You'd think one that would be enough to do me in but it wasn't. I lived to slip yet again. This time falling in the opposite direction on my hands and knee, scraping my knee enough that it bled through my jeans. I'm still feeling whole, but I will admit my neck is a bit stiff and feels rather swollen. Oh and my knee is a bit tender.
I don't have as huge or intense a list of things to do as that, but that's what I felt like last week. It was awful. and I wanted to die. And quit school. And move to South America (so that I wouldn't have to worry about being homeless in the cold). I was seriously considering all those things (well, except for the dying one, although I'll admit a tiny thought did cross my mind about it). You will do great.
I wish I had a funny joke to tell you. My roommates and I had a Thanksgiving dinner party last night and this one guy who came over told a lame one I thought I'd share: "I'm as stuffed as a Thanksgiving turkey". Then everyone laughed politely. Or maybe they were laughing for genuine. Sometimes those lame jokes really hit the funny bone in some folks.
Also I learned that apparently in Great Britain instead of saying phrases like "that's legit" or "that's rad" or "that's cool" or "that's sweet", they say "that's safe".
Ok, gobble gobble, catch ya on the other side of the butcher's block.
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