Sunday, December 12, 2010

Anti-theft Lunch Bags

Dear Kitty,
My cat Rugby is psycho on catnip. He runs around the house looking at stuff that isn't there and chasing after invisible mice I'm assuming? Crazy crazy cat.
Here's the bebe when he's a shleepin:
He does love to curl up in his blankets. He absolutely loves Sarah's robe. He'll do anything to get near it. Last night he was just barely sitting on the corner of it that was on the floor. He had the whole floor and he chose that little spot covered by Sarah's robe.
Here's him shleepin again. Ok, this one was a set up, we did not find him naturally like this:

And here is the rough draft of my final art project as requested:
The final edition looked like crap. I don't even want to show you. But I will, once i get it back.

Check out this link:

The only problem is once people figure out that it's fake, then you just wasted a ton of money on lunch bags that don't even work.

We had a big huge snowstorm blizzard yesterday. There was at least a foot if not more snow on the ground and roads and people were getting stuck like nothing else. Dumb people who continued to think it was a good idea to drive places ended up having to basically shovel their way through the streets. I saw a girl cross country skiiing in the middle of the roads. I trudged home from work and I was sinking up to my knees in snow. I felt like a little kid again. I'll try and send pics of our huge snowdrifts we now have! Maybe I'll get to build a snowfort this break!!

I have to get back to some projects now....miss you Kit. Talk to you very very soon. 
Love love

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